Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The World is a Text (pages 1-21)

In the introduction of these pages, it talked about how many people do not look into what the text is really saying, but rather just read to get it over with. I will be the first one to admit that when it comes to reading I hope to get it down fast. And I also wander off into some world when I'm reading and before I know it I am finished reading but have not really analyzed what the text was saying. So hopefully I will learn to become a better reader and really process what the words are saying.

After reading the section, Systems of Reading: Making Sense of Cultural Texts, it made me think more into the many different meanings there are to just one word. Like in the example in the book, it said what do you think of when you hear the word pan. Since I think of something you use when you cook, I just assumed that's most common and everyone would think of that, but after reading this I saw how Spanish people may think bread. It's interesting to think that all words have different meanings behind them when talking about different cultures.

When talking about Rhetoric's, I honestly was confused in what exactly how they were explaining it and what they were all trying to say. I did like the quote from Kenneth Burke, "use of language as a symbolic means of inducing cooperations in beings that by nature respond to symbols." I like how he worded that to get across his definition when it comes to Rhetorics.

All and all, my favorite favorite favorite part of these pages were the font pages. First of all, I love allllll different kinds of fonts and and more into that then what is actually written, which is not a good thing obviously, lol. But it was interesting to me to see what is it all saying and how they went through some different fonts and when talking about Beverlys. That was by far my favorite part because I love designing things and making them look cool.

Steph :)

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