Monday, February 1, 2010

Black Bart Simpson & The NEXT Plague

"Black Bart" Simpson

I can honestly say that I have never watched one single episode of The Simpsons, so therefore I do not exactly konw each and every thing they discuss when they are talking about the show. Although I have never watched the show, I definetly are aware of SOME things when it comes to the Simpsons, due to all the media talked about in the book that publisized the show. I thought this reading showed how the Simpsons portray a typical American family. Overall I was confused at exactly was he was talking about in the text, and hopefully will understand better from the class discussion.

The NEXT Plague

This was definetly the first reading that really triggered my interest in it. I think I had an easy time reading this because i watch MTV so I can relate to what the author was saying about all the shows since I watched them at one point in time. When talking about the show Next, I do believe that it portrays women in a negative way, but I can't feel sorry for them at the same time. The women know what they are getting themselves into when they are going on these shows, and they know how they are going to look to the public. The bottom line it is all comes down to money and fame. That is what many things in this world revolve around most of the time. Although shows like this portray some women like this, it does not mean it is how all women are. I know I would never go on one of these shows. And when it comes to the men, I don't believe that this is how all men are, treating women like objects. Some men may be like this, but not all.

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